Parenting for the Launch Parenting for the Launch Parenting for the Launch

Arlyn Lawrence


Arlyn_Lawrence Arlyn Lawrence is the Editor and Director of Curriculum Development for LifeSmart Publishing, and the co-author of Wings Not Strings, Parenting for the Launch and the What I Wish I Knew at 18 Leadership and Life Skills program. A published author and international seminar leader emphasizing children and family leadership, she equips educators with vision, perspective, and practical solutions.

Arlyn was born, raised, and (mostly) schooled in Canada. She earned a degree from the University of Maryland in Okinawa, Japan while her husband was serving with the U.S. Marine Corps, and taught English there for several years before returning to the States to start a family. While raising five children, Arlyn worked as freelance writer, editor, curriculum developer, and as an educational director for youth and children's programming. She has been a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops around the U.S., and internationally in Canada, Switzerland, and the U.K. Arlyn is also Founder and CEO of Inspira Literary Solutions, a book development and editorial business. 

Arlyn has a passion for families and young people, and largely focuses her efforts in supporting organizations and individuals working in those fields. Besides Wings Not Strings, Parenting for the Launch and What I Wish I Knew at 18, she has been instrumental in the development and publication of a number of marriage and family resources, one of which is currently being adopted for use by the U.S. military and first responder units across the United States.

Arlyn and her husband, Doug, are the parents of five amazing children, and the delighted grandparents of six grandchildren. They make their home in Fox Island, Washington.

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What I Wish I Knew at 18
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